Hi blog! I missed you...

It's been a while since I was here last...and so much has been going on!

Let me start with the day before yesterday - Monday. Uhhh, Mondays are boring. Mondays scream chores. Mondays are just the beginning of a long week. Mondays mean laundry, grocerie shopping. I could go on and on...

But this past Monday was none of that. We escaped to the beach. To a gorgeous sunny beach. There was even a sand sculpting event. Not bad, uh?!

So peaceful and recharging. Just what we need amidst a crazy week.

             Their happy dance

We opened our chairs and just sat down to admire the beauty of the day. The melody of different languages spoken around us was pleasant, and as we heard them we tried to guess each one of them.

It was just the three of us. Gabe was at school. I wish we did more of these spur of the moment trips to the beach. But a busy schedule keeps us trapped to a pretty tight routine. But we are grateful for these precious moments.

That's what the beach looked like on a Monday 14, November 2011.

I promise I'll try to be back soon. So much to catch up!

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