Happy belated birthday, blog!

I just realized i have had my blog for two years now. My first post was on March 11, 2010. Wow!!!

It's been nice to have this corner to register all of our good times together as a family of four.


When i first started it, i was writing all about the wonderful, good, not so good, and hard moments. I wanted to be honest and real. 


We, the blog and i, started to grow together. I would post a day of our lives and the blog would present it back to me at a later time. That's the relationship that i enjoy and hopefully one day my kiddos will too. That is the main reason i shower this space with pictures, so that one day they are treasured.


As i went back to my posts over time, i realized that what i really want with this blog is for my kids to remember the good time we spent together. I want this blog to bring a smile to their faces when they are reminded of those moments.

The difficulties and pain we go through in life are very important in shaping who we are, and we certainly learn a lot as we overcome them.

But the purpose of this blog is to bring happiness to my kids heart. I want them to know we enjoyed life as a family. I want them to know how much they are loved. How much they are appreciated. And that life is good.


On a personal level, this blog helps me to be more intentional about my life. Helps me to pay attention to the beauty around me. It makes me look for opportunities to be happy. It reminds me to be grateful for what i have.


It's been a fun journey. Happy birthday blog!

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