My baby is 5 today!


Today you are five! I call you Kalelei, munchkin and pirimpimpim.

You are such a high spirited boy. Your presence fills the room with happiness.  Your smile warms my heart and soul (you are always smiling!).

You are passionate and intense. You are full of emotions and very capable of letting us know exactly how you feel. You love to be silly, to be tickled, and to be kissed. Oh boy, do I kiss you?!

I love to watch how you love your brother. It's such a lesson of acceptance and forgiveness.

 You don't let go of your nemo. You like to play with your friends. You enjoy going to school. You don't like Kumon. Peter Parker does it for you. You are already reading and you will start kindergarten this year!

You've been afraid to sleep alone (even though you sleep with your brother!) and come to my bedroom almost every night. You come and say with the sweetest voice that your room is too dark and you don't like it because it makes you have bad dreams.

You are half of the time spider-man. The other half you are either baby (you love playing baby) or "binocolis" (made-up word).

You don't try new foods and you love cheese sticks, yogurt, and candies.

You are such a blessing to my life. Life would not be the same without you. I love you Kalei with all my heart. You will always be my baby.

Today we woke-up and celebrated you!

You could not wait to open your gifts. You came to wake me up at 6:30 (on Sunday!)

We were low-key but very intentional to make this day very special. I'll say this again and again - i love that my boys embrace simplicity with such a welcome heart.

Because it is in the simplicity of life that we are the most happy. We love sunshine and the beach (all four of us). We are happy there. We feel free. We love the way the sand kisses our feet. But above all, we love how the ocean inspires us.

Do you get it?!

So we had tons of fun today. We went to the island for lunch and the beach - our favorite spot out of Siesta.

And once again it was marvelous. It's never the same. It's always amazing.

And of course we ended it with ice-cream!

It was a perfect way to celebrate our son.

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