This year we didn't host any family. I wish we had a longer break to fit it all in. It was very fun last year to have our friends from Washington DC during the winter break!
On Christmas night we had plans to attend church and go out for dinner just the four of us. Then we would join a friend's party for dessert and some fun. Unfortunately we only did the church due to a sudden bellyache Gabe had. This bellyache lasted almost two weeks! Lots of bellyache in Miami and Key West. we have our suspicions that it became a little convenient at times for him :-)
At my house kids don't really sleep the night before Christmas! They can't wait to go open their gifts and check their stockings in the morning.
Their presents this year were all legos. Lord of the rings and the hobbit.
After they are done opening all their gifts we sit for breakfast. Yummy pancakes and fruits.
In the afternoon we went to have lunch with Simone and her troop. It was very sweet to spend some time with dear friends.
Bits + pieces of Christmas in our home:
We went to see the Christmas lights with my friend Simone and her family. We picked the coldest night to be out there! It was fun.
We toasted some marshmallows, drank hot chocolate, ate some cookies and did a hayride.
This jacket made it out of the closet only twice in the last year and half.
We all had a good time. It is so nice to be able to enjoy some cold weather once in a while, only because we know the nice and warm weather is just around the corner. That's the beauty of living in Florida.
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