It was a quite different Christmas for us here. We usually spend Christmas night with friends and Christmas day just the 4 of us.
I embrace change.
This year we were blessed with the opportunity to host a family of five in our house. Good, good friends! They arrived on Wednesday, Dec 21 and left on Sunday, Dec 25.
It was fun! A lot of energy. Lots of late night good conversations. Comforting feeling all around. The weather was gorgeous.
We went to the beach everyday! December?!
After 4 years spending Christmas in very low temperatures and snow we had a warm summer like Christmas. Just like the old times in Brazil.
I can tell my husband was sipping all the moments he had with his good friend Fabricio.
These two had long, deep conversations. Do I need to say anymore?
There are some magical moments when we are among friends that we treasure. Time just doesn't warn us of how fast it will go by. I try to pay attention as much as I can to every minute because I want to have them alive in my mind as the years pass.
The kids enjoyed each other. It's like the only thing that exists is that moment. They know how to be in it. Nothing else matters. They get into the joy of the present so intensely. It's beautiful to watch them.
Oh yeah. She's my fittest momma friend. She's sweet and tough. She's real. I like that about her. We couldn't be more different yet she makes it very easy for me to be myself. We are open to each other and don't hold anything back.
Our Christmas night was simple, not much planned but unforgettable!
Tati offered a banquet for Santa :-)
The next morning they gathered once again (and for the last time) around the Christmas tree. They had very little sleep but always ready to start a new day.
The time of saying good-byes once again arrived. It's not the easiest thing to do but the thought that we spent wonderful days together somehow brings comfort to my heart.
When we found ourselves alone in our nest we celebrated once more our first Christmas in this new town we call home.
Each of the kids had one more present to open. We laughed together, we built together and we loved each other with all our hearts.
It was a very special Christmas. Forever to be remembered!
Thanks Mariana, Fabricio, Tati, Caetano e Santi for making our Christmas so warm.
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