This week Kalei started kindergarten! Oh my.
When we tried to anticipate this moment for him, he never made a big deal out of it. He was just fine.
When Monday came, he embraced the event with such an enthusiasm. This boy of mine rides through life with a remarkable attitude. He welcomes new opportunities with a big smile.
For the entire summer I could not wrap my mind around the fact he's now a kindergartner. I wish the years didn't have to go by so fast.
I terribly miss the days when I could hold him and kiss him and hug him for as long as I wanted. Those days were replaced for wiping the kisses of his cheeks and fighting to get away from my arms. I prefer to think that he is rubbing the kisses in, rather than wiping them off.
The house will be quite now. The emptiness will be reminding me that my little boy is not so little anymore. Life will take a different form as I adjust to the fact that they are on their way to building a bright future for themselves.
He could not be happier in his new adventure. He's fully absorbed. He loves his routine of waking up when the sun has not risen yet, and to hop in the yellow bus with his big brother and find his friend Brady already inside.
Maybe, just maybe, he hasn't realized that mommy will not be there to carry his backpack when it gets heavy for his little shoulders to bear. That mommy will not be there when he gets hurt to give him the magic kiss. Or that mommy will not be there to make him comfortable when difficult time arises.
It's ok, because this new journey will offer him plenty of opportunities to grow. He will fill in the gap, when mommy is not available, with his own courage and determination. He will exercise his strengths and recognize his potential.
This week was a milestone in his life. He's done a grand job! I am so proud of you, Kalei!
Here is a collection of pictures I captured of you right before your grand week :-)
I am always here for you. My love for you keeps growing everyday.
Have a wonderful year!
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